People get massages for many reasons. A massage therapist or a chiropractor can relieve pains in your body, but which type of specialist should you see? Many chiropractors with massage therapy services are available. They offer great benefits if the arts of massage therapy are combined with chiropractic techniques.

What is the difference between a chiropractor and a massage therapist?

Chiropractors With Massage TherapyA chiropractor and massage therapist would have similar jobs. They would perform certain movements to the body of patients to help them get over the pains and discomfort that patients would feel. However, there are some differences between the two.

Chiropractor. A chiropractor would use his bands to make spinal adjustments to relieve the patient of various aches. They would focus on the adjustment of the spine, neck and other parts of the musculoskeletal system. The treatment given by chiropractors is aimed at training the body to heal itself, instead of administering drugs or other outside forces for this to happen.

Massage therapist. Massage therapists also use their hands to gently massage different muscles and relieve stress on these muscles, also alleviating the pain a patient feels. Their treatment would consist of movements to relax the muscles, making them more relaxed.

How does massage therapy help chiropractic treatment?

Massage and chiropractic treatment would work well on their own, but then if both treatments were to be combined and use simultaneously, patients would be able to avoid using any prescription drugs for pain relief altogether.

The benefits of visiting a chiropractor with massage therapy

If you visit a chiropractor that also incorporates massage therapy into their treatment methods, you will be able to reach overall wellness more quickly. You will also be in less pain as you will be going through the treatment.

The combined treatments will encourage your nervous system to promote healing throughout your body by sending signals to your skeletal system and muscular system to work together toward wellness. The use of both treatments will reduce muscular and nervous system inflammation, and the body as a whole will be allowed to function at a higher level.

What happens during a treatment session?

When you get treated by a chiropractor with massage therapy, you will be getting the benefits of both treatment methods at one time.

Muscles are relaxed. The first thing the chiropractor will do is to relax your muscles using massage treatment. There will be a heightened sense of well-being felt by the patient in this first step alone because muscles will be relaxed and pain will be relieved.

Chiropractic treatment. After this initial massage, the chiropractor will then manipulate the spine and vertebrae to enhance the patient’s range of movement and motion. This will lower any nerve irritation that was caused by any pressure that was previously being put on the nerves.

What to do

If you are regularly feeling any pain in your body, you might benefit from the treatment of chiropractors with massage therapy. To be sure, you can contact your doctor to see if this type of treatment would be beneficial for you.

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