An abscessed tooth refers to a tooth that has a pocket of pus around its tissue. This pus starts off when the body is trying to fight off bacteria. Oftentimes, this leads to pain in the tooth, and toothache might swell your cheek. There are many ways to reduce swelling in the face from an abscessed tooth, some of which are easy to follow and you can definitely do at home.

An abscessed tooth refers to a tooth that has a pocket of pus around its tissue. This pus starts off when the body is trying to fight off bacteria. Oftentimes, this leads to pain in the tooth, and toothache might swell your cheek. There are many ways to reduce swelling in the face from an abscessed tooth, some of which are easy to follow and you can definitely do at home. If you need some help, it’s better to consult to your dental clinic to make sure that nothing serious is happening.


Understanding Tooth Abscess

When infections start to develop in the teeth, expect tooth abscess to arise. The bacteria usually find its way in if the tooth has an opening such as cracks or when it is broken, chipped, and about to decay.

woman with tooth abscessThe bacteria will then gradually develop and start to infect the tooth from the inside, once it reaches the core of the tooth, a pocket of pus will start to emerge, and toothache will follow. If this oral health condition is neglected, the infection will continue moving into the gums and teeth bone resulting in tooth decay.

This is a dental health problem that should be treated only by a dentist, however, you can manage the discomfort and reduce the swelling in the face with home remedies.


Reduce Swelling In Face

As mentioned, tooth abscess must be treated by a dental professional. But if a dental visit is not possible at the moment, you may opt to follow these simple home remedies to ease the face swelling and pain.

  1. Rinsing your mouth with saltwater. This is a well-known remedy around the world that is believed to be able to reduce tooth pain. It helps in healings wounds in the mouth and keeping the gums healthy. Just mix a teaspoon of salt with half a cup of water and use it to rinse your mouth two to three times a day.
  2. Baking soda mouth rinse. You won’t have to buy anything with this solution since the things that you need can be found in your kitchen. Baking soda is known to have properties that can remove plaque in the teeth and fight bacteria. Mix 1/2 tablespoon of baking soda with a half cup of water and a little bit of salt.
  3. Cold compress remedy. You will definitely experience swelling in the face when an abscessed tooth starts to emerge. Reduce the swelling by placing a cold compress on your face and let it sit for as long as you prefer. You can do this multiple times a day or until swelling in the face subside.
  4. Fenugreek Tea. This remedy has strong antibacterial properties that are traditionally used for treating wounds and reducing inflammation. Place the tea in a cup of hot water, stir, and let cool. Use a cotton ball to apply the mixture in the infected area. Repeat this process 3 times a day.
  5. Hydrogen peroxide solution. Hydrogen peroxide will not only help you fight bacteria but it will also reduce plaque build-up and bleeding gums. In mixing the solution always remember the rule one is to one. You can create your own hydrogen peroxide mixture by mixing 1/4 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 1/4 cup o water.
  6. Oil pulling. While this remedy does not have enough scientific proof to prove its effectiveness, it has been used since the old times as a part of oral hygiene. Few studies recommend oil pulling for individuals with bad breath, weak teeth, and bleeding gums. You can choose from olive oil, coconut oil, sesame oil, and many more. Practice oil pulling by rinsing your mouth with your preferred oil every morning for 20 minutes.
  7. Garlic. We all know that garlic has plenty of natural healing properties. It can help in managing your tooth pain and prevent tooth decay by killing the bacteria that are infecting your teeth. The procedure is simple, crush a large clove of garlic and gently scrub it on the infected area.
  8. Essential oils remedy. Essential oils have become widely popular these days with adults. You can choose from clove, thyme, oregano, and many more. What’s good about this is that essential oils come with so many options and each oil has properties that take pride in providing different ailments. You can either put a small amount on a cotton ball and directly rub it on the infected tooth or you can make a mixture to gargle.

In addition, chiropractic treatments can also help in reducing pain. Consult your dentist about this one to know more about the link between dental and chiropractic care.


Untreated Tooth Abscess

The above-mentioned remedies are only meant to reduce pain and swelling. Remember that any dental health problem needs to be consulted with a professional to make sure that risk and complications will not arise.

Some of the oral problems that might take place due to tooth abscess are:

  • Tooth loss. Since the bacteria are not removed from the teeth, the infection will keep on growing until it damages the teeth, gums, and bones. This will lead to tooth decay which is the common cause of tooth loss.
  • Infection in the sinus. This is a very common negative effect of an abscessed tooth. Sinuses are located near the jaw that is why it is easy for pus to fill it in and infect it as well.
  • Brain abscess. Bacteria can travel through the veins and may eventually end up in your blood vessels. If this happens, serious complications could occur such as coma and meningitis.
  • Heart problems. The bacteria can also infect the heart once it travels through the body. This could put you in a  life-threatening situation.


Preventing Tooth Abscess

using dental flossA tooth abscess can be managed and treated but prevention is still better than cure. Preventing tooth abscess is also a way to prevent other oral problems like tooth loss, bad breath, and gum infections.

To prevent this from happening, check out these tips below as suggested by dr Hiromi from MyHM Dentist clinic:

  • Clean your teeth from top to bottom. Use dental floss to remove particles in between.
  • Practice proper oral care. Use toothpaste and mouthwash to thoroughly clean your teeth.
  • Avoid foods rich in sugar and starch especially before bedtime.
  • Do not skip your dental appointments.

The most common denominator why tooth pain, decay, and abscess occur is because of the accumulated acids in the mouth. Make sure to keep your mouth clean to avoid dental problems like these.

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