Chiropractic adjustments have become a popular treatment option for people experiencing lower back pain. This non-surgical procedure involves applying a controlled, sudden force to a spinal joint to improve its function. While procedures are well-tolerated by most patients, some may experience lower back pain worse after chiropractic adjustment. Is this a normal occurrence or something to be concerned about?



Understanding Chiropractic Adjustments and How They Work

Before we delve into the possibility of experiencing worse lower back pain after a chiropractic adjustment, we need to understand how this treatment works. Chiropractic adjustments restore normal joint function and nervous system performance by reducing pain and enhancing flexibility. Chiropractors use their hands or specialized instruments to apply a quick thrust to the affected joint to achieve this goal.

The adjustment itself can create a cracking sound due to gas being released from within the joint. This is normal and not a cause for concern as it does not indicate that the joint is being damaged. Instead, this sound should be seen as proof that the alignment has been restored and that it can improve function while reducing pain.

It’s not uncommon for patients to leave a chiropractic visit feeling sore or sometimes may even feel worse than when they came in. If this has happened to you, don’t panic! This is one of the normal potential side effects of visiting the chiropractor.

You see, chiropractors use non-invasive treatments to help properly align your musculoskeletal system. This can treat a variety of conditions, including:

  • lower back pain after chiropractic adjustmentMigraines
  • Knee, back, shoulder, and neck pain
  • Whiplash
  • Range of motion issues
  • Sciatica after a car accident
  • Herniated discs

Why Some Patients Might Experience Worse Lower Back Pain After an Adjustment

While chiropractic adjustments are designed to alleviate pain, some patients might experience increased discomfort. Here are a few possible reasons why:

Increased Inflammation

When a joint is not functioning correctly, it can cause muscles around that joint to become inflamed. Chiropractic adjustments work by realigning the joints, which can pressure the surrounding muscles, leading to temporary inflammation and soreness.

Muscles Still Adjusting to the New Alignment

In the treatment process that involves spinal manipulation and the movement of muscles and joints, it’s not uncommon for the muscles to have to adjust to the movement, which results in soreness. After a chiropractic adjustment, the body is still adjusting to the new alignment, which can lead to discomfort and soreness.

This soreness, it’s worth noting, is related to the movement of the bones and not the pressure the chiropractor applies. This is one reason your back hurts more after a chiropractic visit. Over time, your body will acclimate to these adjustments, making you feel less sore. You can also apply an ice pack and heat pad to help reduce the length of the soreness.

Dealing With Pre-Existing Conditions

Some pre-existing conditions can make chiropractic adjustments more complicated. For example, if you have a herniated disc in your lower back, a chiropractic adjustment might put too much pressure on the area, worsening pain.

A proper alignment will jumpstart your immune system. Think of it like getting a flu shot or vaccine: you may feel sick following the treatment, but that’s just your body improving its defenses for when it faces an illness.

Your back also impacts your digestive system so you may see a change in bowel movements and a sore back after a chiropractic adjustment. This won’t last long and is usually nothing to worry about.

However, if you do have IBS or other digestive issues and find that they are exacerbated following an adjustment, you should consult medical professionals regarding how best to proceed with your treatment.

Potential Risks of Chiropractic Adjustments

Like any medical procedure, spinal adjustments are not risk-free. While most complications are rare, patients should be aware of the potential risks before treatment. Here are some of the risks associated with chiropractic adjustments.


In rare cases, spinal manipulation can cause a tear in the lining of an artery within the neck, leading to a stroke. High-velocity neck manipulation can result in vertebral artery dissection.

Signs of stroke from a vertebral artery dissection include:

  • Slurred speech
  • Sensory loss, weakness, or clumsiness of the arm or leg on one side of the body
  • Vertigo or difficulty walking
  • Trouble swallowing
  • Neck pain, most notably on the same side as the dissection

Worsening Symptoms

back pain worse after chiropractic adjustmentAs discussed, some people may experience increased pain after a chiropractic adjustment. It is common to experience mild discomfort, especially after the first few chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments restore healthy alignment to your spine, and your body is adjusting to this new normal. If you’ve had misalignments in your spine for a while, then your body may take time to adjust to this healthier alignment. The good news is many reactions to chiropractic adjustments are your body’s natural way of growing and healing.

  • Cold-like Symptoms

You might be surprised to notice a runny nose or cough after your first few chiropractic adjustments if you don’t know what to expect. However, cold-like symptoms can happen, especially in response to your first few chiropractic adjustments. This is your body’s way of releasing built-up toxins in the body. Chiropractic adjustments and treatments promote a healthy immune response, and this is your body’s way of flushing out any built-up toxins that try to interfere with your health and functioning.

  • Fatigue

You may also experience fatigue due to releasing toxins from the body. It is also common to experience tiredness and fatigue after your first few adjustments as your body adjusts to these newer, healthier positions that promote better functioning in the body. When your immune system is activated, your body often appreciates you resting so it can work to flush out toxins and sickness while you sleep.

  • Sore Muscles

Some people wonder why they have sore or tight muscles after a chiropractic adjustment, but this is a very normal response. The muscles that support your spine are used to working for your back in ways that are not as healthy or beneficial. When your spine is properly aligned, your muscles initially may work harder to adjust to this new normal. Your muscles may have weakened over time due to poor posture or misalignment, so it takes time to build up strength so they can provide proper support to your healthily functioning spine.

  • Irregular Bowel Movements

Another way your body releases toxins is through more frequent bowel movements. You may notice a need for the bathroom more frequently after your first few adjustments as your body is ridding itself of these toxins. Chiropractic adjustments also promote better functioning in the whole body, which includes your digestive system. When your spine is properly aligned, and your digestive system is encouraged to function more healthily, this may prompt a release.

Risk of Herniated Disk

lower back painThe force applied to the spine during a chiropractic adjustment can purposely or accidentally lead to a herniated disk. If you suffer from a herniated disc, you know that any slight movement can cause tremendous pain and aggravate the problem. Some people have a misconception regarding chiropractic solutions. According to this misconception, chiropractors cannot treat the problem but rather worsen the situation. That is not the case. Research shows that chiropractic sessions are an excellent solution for treating herniated discs. Additionally, chiropractors are experts in the field and know how to care for your spinal health after any spinal aberration. Chiropractic care is a precise and scientific method, and chiropractors have vast knowledge about nerve functions, spinal disc problems, etc.

Compression Fractures

This painful condition can occur in patients with weakened bones. A chiropractic adjustment with high force can lead to compression fractures. Any activity that places pressure on the spine, such as standing upright or lifting a heavy object incorrectly, can aggravate the fractured vertebra and induce severe pain.


Chiropractic adjustments have helped millions of people find relief from lower back pain. However, in some cases, it can take several adjustments before the treatment begins to work, and the temporary discomfort associated with these realignments can be disheartening. It’s important to communicate openly with your chiropractor, give your body enough time to adjust, and ensure you’re receiving treatment from an experienced, licensed professional. Lastly, anybody experiencing lower back pain should seek medical attention from their primary care physician before seeing a chiropractor.


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