Why choose Upper Cervical Care (UCC) rather than some other chiropractic services? Upper cervical chiropractic care works out the connection between the neck and the rest of the body. This is more essential than any other chiropractic care because it deals with the neck that influences the nervous system, including the brain stem function. In fact, neck manipulation can also somehow relieve jaw and mouth pain. You can contact your dentist for a referral and for more details. In any case, know that this treatment can treat health issues and give your body what it needs to flourish from head to toe. Keep reading to find out the different conditions treated by upper cervical care.

Why would you prioritize upper cervical care on top of some other chiropractic services? You see, upper cervical chiropractic care works out the connection between the neck and the rest of the body. This is more essential than any other chiropractic care because it deals with the neck that influences the nervous system, including the brain stem function. In fact, neck manipulation can also somehow relieve jaw and mouth pain. You can contact your dentist for a referral and for more details. In any case, know that this treatment can manage health issues and give your body what it needs to flourish from head to toe. Keep reading to find out the different conditions treated by upper cervical care.


About Upper Cervical Chiropractic Treatment

Upper cervical chiropractic treatment centers around correcting misalignments in the upper neck area of your spine. The chiropractors in the upper cervical spine focus on the upper two vertebrae called the atlas (C1) and axis (C2). In fact, this type of chiropractic care tends to be gentler compared to regular chiropractic treatment, making it an excellent choice for sensitive patients.

In addition, upper cervical manipulation influences the entire body by adjusting the upper spine. This permits the nervous system to appropriately send information to the rest of your body. Getting chiropractic after strenuous exercise to build strong bones can help relieve spinal or muscular pain and discomfort.

Your upper cervical chiropractor will use x-rays and 3D technology to identify precisely where a vertebra may require adjustment. Misalignment in your vertebrae may interfere with the spinal cord and brainstem, causing dysfunctional central nervous system signaling.


Conditions Treated by Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care

Upper cervical chiropractic can treat several medical conditions. The most common are:


Neck Pain

Dental consultationNeck and shoulder pain is a prevalent condition and can happen for many possible reasons. In fact, this can occur because of some oral health issues. With that, you can check dental services from Boutique Dental Care Chatswood to know if an awful dental habit is a culprit to your neck and shoulder pain. However, many people with this symptom usually seek the help of a chiropractor.

Regardless of whether it is because of disease or injury, upper cervical chiropractic can help treat neck pain and shoulder pain.


Back Pain

Many people experience chronic back pain. As a matter of fact, back pain is one of the main reasons for chiropractic treatment.

Chiropractic practice might provide immediate pain relief. For some, it might require several sessions of spinal manipulations.


Headaches and Migraines

Like shoulder and neck pain, headaches and migraines can also occur because of some dental health problems. You can visit your family dentist to treat the underlying cause and stop them from returning. However, your chiropractor can also help improve and treat headaches and migraines. In fact, chiropractic care can treat improper posture, stress, and tension that trigger headaches and migraines.


Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS)

This condition happens when your concussion indications continue for six weeks after the initial head injury. Symptoms include dizziness and headaches, to mention a few. So if the symptoms persist without subsiding, you can consider making an appointment with a chiropractor.



Fibromyalgia is a disorder that affects bones and muscles, and its main side effect is persistent fatigue. Getting upper cervical chiropractic care can help treat fibromyalgia and its symptoms.

This condition sends information to the brain that there is a pain when there is actually no pain. Spinal manipulation can help correct these signals and treat fatigue due to other reasons as well.


Blood Pressure

Many people around the world suffer from hypertension, simply known as high blood pressure. Unsurprisingly, many studies stated that chiropractic care may help bring down blood pressure in adults with hypertension.


TMJ Disorders

Temporomandibular joint disorders or TMJ or TMD is a condition that affects your jaw joint. Going to a dentist is a common way to take care of your teeth and jaw, especially if you have jaw pain. But getting chiropractic care can also help deal with oral pain and TMJ issues. In fact, this type of treatment can help improve problems related to TMJ disorder, such as your chewing, talking, and smiling abilities.

In addition, TMJ disorder is sometimes confused with another chronic condition called trigeminal neuralgia. Your upper cervical chiropractor can help treat both conditions.


Sleep Disturbances

Upper cervical chiropractors can treat low back pain that can prompt sleep problems. In fact, many patients reported that their sleep improves after getting chiropractic treatment.


Trouble Breathing

Research shows upper cervical chiropractic treatment can help improve disorders that make breathing harder. These include asthma, COPD, pneumonia, influenza, and those breathing issues from lung cancer. In fact, various patients report better breathing capacity right after getting spinal manipulation.


Muscle Weakness and Poor Posture

Spinal manipulation

Chiropractic treatment can help improve muscle weakness, even in stroke patients. Frequently, chiropractors will show patients the quick advantages of spinal adjustment by testing strength before and after the treatment. Upper cervical care is an excellent approach to correct poor posture. Treating poor posture is also known as structural rehabilitation, and it is essential to improve quality of life. Poor posture can lead to some chronic pain, headaches, and other health issues if not treated.



Sciatica is a condition that affects the sciatic nerve, the longest nerve in the human body. Once the sciatic nerve is compressed or irritated, pain transmits throughout your feet, legs, hips, and lower back. Luckily, chiropractic care is a common approach to treat this kind of pain.


Is Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care Right For You?

Most of us live with chronic pain, physical weakness, or healthcare issues that we do not even notice. In fact, upper cervical chiropractic is applicable for many people.

Getting this kind of chiropractic care can help treat and forestall various health and medical conditions, regardless of whether you did not realize you experienced them. Not only does scientific study confirm this, but many patients who get the treatment prove it every day.



7 Ways to Treat Chronic Back Pain Without Surgery.


TMJ disorders.


Exercises and tips for better posture.


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